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Customer Responsibilies

Service Lines

GMWSD’s water and sewer infrastructure is generally located beneath city streets, with individual service lines linking residential and commercial properties to the district’s main lines. These connections are made through a tap that joins the service line to the main line.

Property owners are responsible for maintaining and repairing their service lines to ensure continuous and functional access to water and sewer services.

Sewer Service Line

We recommend cleaning your sewer line annually to prevent blockages caused by root intrusion or buildup. If you experience a blockage, cleaning the line may resolve the issue, but in some cases, damage or other problems may necessitate a partial or full line replacement.

To protect our customers from predatory practices, we offer free sewer line video reviews. For security reasons, we can only accept DVDs or YouTube links. Additionally, we advise obtaining at least three quotes before proceeding with any work.

What NOT to Flush

Some materials can damage your sewer service line or the district mains. The water treatment process removes many medications and other chemicals but can't remove them all.

  • Medication
  • Fats, Grease, and Oil
  • Wipes, Even “Flushable” ones
  • Household Hazardous Waste*

*Many household products contain hazardous substances and are harmful to our environment and aquatic life when disposed in drains, toilets and storm drains. Paints & solvents, Cleaners, Fuels, Pesticides, Antifreeze, Motor oil.

Water Service Line

The customer is responsible for keeping their Curb Stop and Meter Pit (if you have an outdoor meter) up to grade and accessible by the District.

The District may be able to provide a drawing of your service line to help locate your curb stop and/or meter pit. If the District has to locate and uncover your Curb Stop and/or Meter Pit, you may be charged.

The Meter itself is the property of the District, if you have any issues, please contact us. 

  • Tampering with the meter is a felony. The following may be considered tampering:
  • Turning water ON IF you have been shut off BY GMWSD.
  • Changing anything ​on the meter body.  
  • Changing or damaging the wires coming from a meter. 

Water Line Insurance

Due to the extreme rarity of issues with customer water service lines we DO NOT recommend water line insurance.