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District Infrastructure Replacement Project 

Beginning in 2025, the Green Mountain Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors has implement a new "Infrastructure Replacement Fee." This fee is specifically designed to generate funds for the District Infrastructure Replacement Project (DIRP).

The primary objective of DIRP is to address the pressing need to replace or rehabilitate aging water and sanitary infrastructure within the district, many of these systems have exceeded their expected lifespan. Through DIRP, the district aims to ensure the continued reliability and efficiency of its water and sanitation services.

The fee will be essential in providing the necessary financial resources to undertake comprehensive replacement and rehabilitation efforts. By proactively addressing these infrastructure issues, the district seeks to prevent more costly and disruptive emergency repairs in the future. This initiative demonstrates the district’s commitment to maintaining high-quality utilities and safeguarding the well-being of the community.

The map below provides a detailed overview of the water infrastructure, categorized by the expected lifespan of the pipes:

  • Red: This color highlights pipes that have either reached or surpassed their expected lifespan. These sections are critical and may require immediate attention or replacement to ensure the reliability of the water supply system.
  • Orange: Pipes marked in orange are projected to reach the end of their expected lifespan within the next five years. These areas are monitored closely and planned for future replacement to prevent potential issues.
  • Blue: The blue sections represent pipes that have more than five years remaining in their expected lifespan. These areas are currently in good condition and do not require immediate action, but regular inspections and maintenance are conducted to maintain their integrity.
A map showing Water infrastructure in red, blue, and yellow depending on age of pipe

Infrastructure Replacement Fee:

Residential$20.00 per billing
Multi-Family and ADU Rate$10.00 per SFRE per billing
Commercial$10.00 per SFRE per billing
Irrigation$10.00 per SFRE per billing