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Record Request

In the dropdown menus located below, you will find both the rules for a records request submission as well as the submission form. If you have any issues, please do not hesitate to contact the District and we will be happy to assist you further.

Public Records Request Rules 

Rules and Limitations on Public Records Requests

The Colorado Open Records Act (CORA), C.R.S. §24-72-200 et seq. permits the official custodian of any public records to make such rules with reference to the inspection of such records as are reasonably necessary for the prevention of unnecessary interference with the duties of the custodian, and for the protection of the records.

  1. All requests for public records of the Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District (GMWSD) must be received in writing by the District Manager (custodian of records) using the online Public Records Request Form. The form may also be downloaded, completed and emailed to, or mailed or hand-delivered to:
    1. Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District, ATTN: District Manager, RE: Public Records Request, 13919 West Utah Avenue Lakewood, CO 80228
    2. Requests cannot be made over the phone.
  2. Any public records request shall consist of two parts:
    1. Part I – completed by the requestor, including contact information, how the files are to be viewed or delivered, and a description of the information being requested. Please provide a brief, but very specific description of the documents or information requested noting the date of issuance and location of the document(s), if known. A request that is broad, vague, or too voluminous may cause a delay in the time GMWSD can produce the records.
    2. Part II – completed by GMWSD, advising of the availability of the records, and estimating the number of pages and time to be spent retrieving the records. Part II of the request includes an acknowledgement by the requestor of the anticipated fees that must be paid prior to receipt of the requested records. 
    3. The request is not considered to be complete or received until Part II is completed, signed by the requestor and received by the District Manager
  3.  The District shall make every effort to respond within three working days. The three working-day response time begins the first working day following receipt of the completed request (as described in Rule 2 above) by the District Manager.  A request received when the District is officially closed will be considered received as of the following working day. The District can issue up to a seven-working-day extension if it finds extenuating circumstances exist, as described in 24-72- 203(3)(b), C.R.S.
  4. Copying Fees: Each standard (8 ½” x 11” black and white) copy shall be provided at a cost of $0.25 per page. The fee for any printout, fax, email or photograph of a public record in a format other than a standard page shall not exceed the actual cost of providing the copy.
  5. Research and Retrieval Fees: When researching, retrieving, reviewing, or producing records consumes more than one hour of staff time, a fee of $30 per hour will be charged for all staff time after the first hour associated with researching, retrieving, reviewing and producing records for a requestor. This rate will be charged in quarter-hour increments after the first hour. This fee will also apply to the time GMWSD personnel must spend in attendance while a third party is reviewing documents.
  6. Transmission Fees: GMWSD will charge the actual fee for the transmission of records by United States mail, other delivery service, or facsimile. No transmission fee will apply when the transmission is by electronic mail.
  7. Fees must be paid in full before any records are made available or delivered to the requestor. Payment of fees for public records requests can be made by check payable to GMWSD, delivered to the District Manager, or by credit card over the phone to the District Manager or other designated GMWSD staff.
  8. A time for review and inspection of the records will be scheduled if the records cannot be delivered electronically. Reviews will take place by appointment during regular business hours (Monday – Friday 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM) at the GMWSD Office, unless another location for review is designated by GMWSD.
  9. No data will be provided orally with the assurance that it is correct.
  10. Members of the public will not be permitted to use the data storage or processing equipment of the GMWSD for inspecting or copying public records.
Resolution Designating Official CustodianResolution Adopting Rules for Record Requests
GMWSD Public Records Request Part 1 

All requests for public records of the Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District (GMWSD) pursuant to the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA), C.R.S. § 24-72-112 -C.R.S. §24-72-402, must be submitted in writing using this form.