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Meeting Minutes and Recording

A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District, (the “District”) was held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.




A Regular Meeting of the District was scheduled in compliance with the laws of the State of Colorado, with the following Directors in attendance:

  • Karen Morgan, President
  • Dave Wiechman, Vice President
  • Roger Wendell, Treasurer (teleconference)
  • Randy Little, Secretary
  • Arthur Martinez, Director
  • Not present, and unexcused: None
  • Also present were:
  • Dylan Woods, Title 32 Attorney
  • Josh Stanley, District Manager, GMWSD
  • Sam McKay, GMWSD
  • Doug Pavlich, GMWSD
  • Dave Garner
  • Ludmila
  • Other guests

Call to Order / Declaration of Quorum (0:01)

Director Morgan called to order the Regular Meeting of the Board of the Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District at 6:31 p.m.

Directors & Disclosure Matters (0:25)


Approval of/Additions to /Deletions from the Agenda (0:32)


Public Comment (0:38)

Dave Garner provided public comment on treatment of the Board members and thanked them for their hard work and contributions to the community. (0:48)

Due to technical issues, it was decided to revisit public comment after financial matters for Ludmilla. (3:24)

Approval of Minutes (4:02)

Director Little MOVED to accept the November 12th, November 15th, November 26th, and December 10th meeting minutes. The Board then discussed corrections that need to be made to the November 12th meeting minutes. (4:16)

Director Little AMENDED his motion to approve the November 15th, November 26th, and December 10th meeting minutes. Director Wiechman seconded, following discussion and upon vote the motion PASSED unanimously. (6:29)

 Financial Matters (6:56)

The Board reviewed the October 2024 Daily/Monthly Operating Expenses & Capital Expenditures. Director Wendell noted distribution of employee funds and a decrease in legal expenses in November. (6:56)

Director Wendell emphasized the unavailability of financial notes online due to the American Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines, but that they can be requested through him, Mr. Pavlich, or the office. (8:05)

Continuing his report, Director Wendell touched upon typical office expenses, praised securing good rates for the certificates of deposit (CDs), and reviewed the balance sheet. He noted some unexpected revenues and over expenditures in 2024, noted the good financial standing of the District, and expressed concern over fire hydrant thefts occurring in Los Angeles. (8:49)

Director Wendell MOVED to approve the operating expenses and expenditures, as well as the unaudited financial statements for the period ending December 31, 2024. Director Wiechman seconded, following discussion and upon vote the motion PASSED unanimously. (12:33)

Mr. Stanley discussed fire hydrant theft and assuaged any worries of it happening here in the District. (13:30)

Mr. Stanley confirmed there are no issues with water quantity and accessibility in response to a question from Director Little. (16:24)

Mr. Pavlich discussed Capital Reserve Options and advised on the investment of the remaining $4 million to be invested. (16:55)

The Board discussed investment options, the specifics of CDs, and way the federal pool works. (18:50)  

Director Wendell MOVED to invest the full $4 million Director in a 2-year CD at 4%. Director Wiechman seconded, following discussion and upon vote the motion FAILED with Director Morgan, Director Martinez, and Director Little dissenting. (23:44)

The Board discussed hiring a financial advisor to assist with the Capital Reserve investment. (28:00)

Director Wendell MOVED to immediately invest $2 million at 4%, invest the remaining $2 million in half a year, and not involve an investment advisor. (28:48)

Director Wendell AMENDED his motion to invest $2 million in a 2-year CD at 4%, move the other $2 million from the First Bank operating account to a CSAFE Cash account, and revisit the non-CD invested $2 million in the summer. Director Wiechman seconded. (30:27)

The Board expanded on the conversation over CDs, pool investments, and interest rates. (31:40)

Following discussion and upon vote, Director Wendell’s investment motion PASSED unanimously.  (38:18)

The Board discussed plans to sign the required paperwork for the investment before the February regular meeting. (38:44)

Public Comment – Revisited (40:33)

After resolving technical issues, Ludmilla greeted the Board and commented on the Ravine Crossing litigation. (41:52)

District Reports (44:21)

Mr. Stanley briefly went over the broad scope of work completed in 2024, including sewer cleaning, valve turning, transmitter change-outs, and other maintenance and inspections. (46:37)

Mr. Stanley provided the Maintenance Report. There were 6 main breaks in December. (47:19)

Mr. Stanley noted the delivery and set-up of the Pink Zone Pump Station emergency generator. This led to a discussion on the location of the Pink Pump Station, tank storage zones, and the function of pump stations and generators. (47:45)

Mr. Stanley presented reports regarding District Engineering and development review. Fletcher Miller has satisfied environmental and pipe configuration needs, and 14364 W Alameda will schedule data logging with Ted Miller and Associates. (55:51)

The Board briefly discussed unit numbers and sewer lines for 14364 W Alameda and an upcoming development at 543 Van Gordon, as well as fiber optic instalment activity. (56:45)

Mr. Stanley presented reports regarding infrastructure replacement projects. Everyone is on the new lines, and the 2024 project will be completed once the weather permits for mill and overlay at Mississippi Court. The design engineers are currently working on the 2025 process. (1:00:06)

2025 IRPs for sewers are out for bid and will be presented at the March Regular meeting for approval. Once a schedule is received from the contractor, a document with expected deadlines for projects will be prepared. (1:02:09)

There are no updates to staff positions, with 2 still open and needing to be filled. (1:05:51)       

Director’s Matters (1:07:18)

Director Wiechman MOVED to approve and sign the Annual Resolution. Director Martinez seconded, following discussion and upon vote the motion PASSED unanimously. (1:07:53)

Director Little MOVED to approve the Fletcher Miller Plan. Director Wiechman seconded. (1:08:23)

The Board discussed tests conducted at Fletcher Miller and environmental concerns regarding the development. (1:08:42)

Following discussion and upon vote, the motion to approve the Fletcher Miller Plan PASSED with Director Morgan dissenting. (1:15:22)

Legal Matters (1:16:31)

Mr. Woods provided the Board updates on general legal and litigation matters, including the review of documents for upcoming IRPs, the Big Sky litigation, and the Timmon’s case. Additionally, the Fossil Ridge case is wrapping up, with GMSD winning at the trial court. (1:16:31)

The Board reviewed the Ravine Crossing situation and deliberated whether to pursue legal avenues against Lakewood. (1:21:24)

Director Morgan MOVED to start legal proceedings should Coaty and Woods, P.C. choose to help, unless there is a resolution in the next attempt at communication. Director Wiechman seconded. (1:31:24)

David Garner provided comment on his experience with the Ravine Crossing situation when he was on the Board and gave his advice on the matter. (1:32:23)

As their next attempt at communication, the Board decided to send a certified letter to the Lakewood city attorney and city manager stating that the Board may pursue legal action. (1:35:07)

Following discussion and upon vote Director Morgan’s motion PASSED unanimously.  (1:37:06)

New Business (1:37:42)

The Board discussed an issue with a disgruntled homeowner and meter reading fees. (1:37:54)

The Board confirmed the meeting date for the Federal Center public hearing. (1:44:41)

Director Morgan updated the Board on an ex-lobbyist who is pursuing Tap Fee legislation and upcoming changes to City of Lakewood zoning codes. (1:45:03)

The Board further discussed lobbyists, work to be done moving forward, and plans to reach out to find more lobbyists. (1:46:31)

Adjourn (1:52:38)

The meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m.

Thies meeting minutes were approved and signed by by Secretary Randy Little at the 7/9/2024 board meeting. To review the signed pdf copy, please contact the District.